since our management team began working with landlords in the 1980s there have been many changes – the market for quality student accommodation has grown dramatically.
at the same time, the legislation and regulations have also increased, making it harder for landlords to keep abreast of current requirements.
By choosing to work with Student Homes you are ensuring you get the most out of your investment with the least amount of hassle. Our decades of experience make us perfectly placed to offer expert advice and useful services that simplify your experience as a landlord or a developer.
We have a constant demand for properties in Birmingham, Coventry and Leamington Spa. As awareness has grown so has demand, and we can now offer the same services all over the midlands. We tailor our service to provide as much or as little assistance as required.
here’s some great reasons to rent your student accommodation with us:
access to large student database
fully managed, rent
collection or let only
expert local
market leading letting technology portals
on line property reservations
student accommodation for landlords
Legislation covering almost every area of letting has also changed, and the demand for privately owned and purposely built student accommodation is ever increasing. To keep up to date with the changes in the law and the market place, a majority of landlords are now turning to Letting Agents to help them rent out their properties. We work with landlords and developers to ensure they maximise their investment returns on any properties they own, and offer expert advice to all of our clients.
If you have houses in Leamington Spa, Birmingham, Coventry, or elsewhere in the Midlands, Studenthomes can take care of as much, or as little of the process as neede, with a tailored service to suit all landlords and developers.

initial Meeting
As a landlord or developer want to make sure you choose the right agent for the job, so you need an Agency which specialises in Student accommodation, planning and development.
At the initial visit, we assess property and give you an idea of how much rent you could be achieving, along with recommendations for improvement. The average four-bed property can be expected to rent out from around £400- £600 per person per month. With rental prices at that level, getting the right advice on location, fixtures & fittings, and furnishings, is essential.
We will pitch the rent to ensure you get the best chance of securing a let in a competitive market, whilst maximising your return on investment.
We will also advise on any alterations or work that may be required to give you that all-important edge in comparison to other properties.
Most students look for their accommodation online. Our user friendly website can put your property details in front of thousands of student looking for houses in your area. We also advertise on all the top portals for lettings: Rightmove, Zoopla and Primlocation to name a few. To really maximise your potential of finding suitable tenant for your property, marketing at the right time is crucial. Have a look at our Student Letting cycle to see what happens and when.
our marketing techniques:

market leading technology within our website
photo, video, 360 capability

our own exclusive billboards
sponsorship of university publications such as the warwick boar

long established reputation providing business via word of mouth